Saturday, August 27, 2011


How do you say no to an angel?
How do you lengthen out a sunset?
How can you live in a memory?
How can I live a day without you?
Everything you say is an echo from my own heart.

Then again every sunset has an end,
But you look forward to the dawn and a new day.
The echo fades, what new sound will replace it?
Will it be yours or another’s?
What will happen with the next turn of the earth?

Friday, August 26, 2011


A musical tribute to the goodness we all love! Inspired by...well, chocolate!

Friday, August 5, 2011


Everything I write is inspired by something.  It might be a person I know or have met, a story I heard, a phrase someone said or even just a word that sticks out to me.  Sometimes I just feel strongly about something.  It might be actual feelings, just a daydream or how I envision the point of view of someone else.  Some are more serious and others are completely lighthearted.  It's just how I was feeling at the time.  

How to be Happy

How to be happy?
You just might find
That the way to be happy
Is to simply decide.
Begin each day
As if it’s on purpose.
Even it seems
Like a three-ring circus.
The hardest part
About being happy, it seems
Is to convince yourself
To live your dreams.
I don’t know why
But sometimes, it’s true
The source of your misery
Might just be you.
Don’t be the critic
That makes yourself glum
Don’t call yourself
Idot, stupid, and dumb.
If someone must criticize
Listen, then say
“That’s nice to know
Now please go away.”
Think that you’re special
That you can achieve
You can do anything
If you believe.
How to be happy?
It’s all in your mind.
Happy does not come
From out. It’s inside.